Adding KanBo Elements as Tabs in Channels

This article is directed to users of cloud environments.

In this article:


The KanBo Teams app, allows you to view and use KanBo via Microsoft Teams. This application allows adding self-hosted KanBo to your channel tabs.

Example: The Green Week space presented as the Backend channel tab.

With the KanBo Teams app, you can save any space or card as a tab in the Teams channel.

Adding KanBo tabs in Microsoft Teams channels

In order to use these features, your administrator will need to install the KanBo Teams app

To add a KanBo tab in the Microsoft Teams channel:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams application.
  2. On the left sidebar, go to Teams, and then select the channel.
  3. On the channel top bar, select the plus icon.
  1. Select the KanBo Teams app.
  1. Select the KanBo space, card, or enter a direct KanBo link to the selected element.
  2. Decide if you want to post to the channel about the creation of a new tab, and then select Save.

If you select the option:

  • Space – you can select only spaces connected to this channel. Then you can select the space view to be displayed when you click on the tab.
  • Card – First you have to select a space (one of those connected to this channel), and then you select a card from that space.
  • Direct link – This is where you paste the URL to a specific KanBo element (If the link points to an item outside the space associated with that channel, only users who have access to that space will see it).

Expanding KanBo tabs in MS Teams

You can expand the tab to increase KanBo’s visibility in Microsoft Teams.

To expand the KanBo tab:

  • Select the KanBo tab, and then select Expand tab.

Renaming KanBo tabs in MS Teams

To rename the KanBo tab:

  • Select the KanBo tab, and then select Rename.

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