Following Card Statuses and Custom Fields

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All activities that happen in KanBo are recorded in the form of the activity stream, but you decide which ones you want to be notified about. The system of following specific KanBo elements allows you to get notifications only on topics you choose to receive.

You can follow a card status grouping or a custom field grouping to receive notifications of all activity that took place on cards that are in that grouping. In other words, you just follow the cards as long as they are assigned to the selected status or custom field.

You can follow the grouping in the following space views:

Following groupings

To follow a card status or a custom field:

  1. Open the space.
  2. On the grouping name bar, go to More (the three-dot menu), and then select  Follow.

You will see an eye icon at the top left side of the grouping. It confirms that you are following this grouping.

Unfollowing groupings

You can easily unfollow the grouping you once followed.

To unfollow a card status or a custom field:

  1. Open the space.
  2. On the grouping name bar, go to More (the three-dot menu), and then select  Unfollow.

The eye icon will be gone from the grouping.


Yes, you can follow only one or more cards within a space in KanBo by following the card option. You can also follow a specific grouping, which means following all cards assigned to that grouping.

To stop receiving notifications for a specific card while still following the overall grouping in KanBo, click on the card menu and select Unfollow Card.

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