Timeline View

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The Timeline view is a powerful feature that provides a visual representation of all cards that need to be completed over a specific period. It allows space users to see a project’s progress and deadlines in a single view, making it easier to plan and manage their work. 

Example: Cards presented in the Timeline view.

Use this view to adjust the dates of your projects in a fast and easy way. Try to complete cards in sequence, not overloading yourself with too many activities at once. Use the Timeline view to control the workload and learn to prioritize your tasks.

The main purpose of this view is to organize the tasks you have to do and to determine the order of the activities.

The blue vertical bar in the center will highlight the present time unit (day/week/month/year etc.). This makes it easier for you to inspect the timeframes of card bars against the current date.

Watch the timeline and try to move tasks if there is too much to do, and place it where you can see free space. 

Example: Adjusting card dates in the Timeline view.

Every card in the Timeline view is treated as a separate task. There is even an option to hide card names and concentrate on scheduling work only.

If you want to focus on card relations and their time dependencies, try the Gantt Chart view.

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