Preventing Card Deletion

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Deleting a card is an action that cannot be reversed. There is no way to restore the deleted card. By default, any space member can delete a card. To prevent accidental card deletion, you can disable the ability to delete cards within a space.

If you are the space owner, you can block the option to delete cards in the space. This means that no space user will be able to delete any card. Remember that each space can have its own rules. The space owners decide on the ability of space users to delete cards.

Disable card deletion

Only space owners can disable card deletion.

To disable card deletion in a space:

  1. Open KanBo.
  2. On the Sidebar, go to  Workspaces & Spaces, and then select the workspace.
  3. In the upper right corner, go to to  Settings > General.
  4. Toggle the Delete card option (disabled option is the switch moved to the left).

See more about:


Any card user can delete cards permanently unless this option is locked by the space owner.

To unarchive the card you must go to the space archive and send the card back to the space.

As the space owner, you can disable the ability to delete cards for other users. This option is located in the space settings.

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