Preventing Space Deletion

Space is the new name for the board.
Welcome to the KanBo 3.0 release!

In this article:


Deleting a space is equivalent to deleting all the space views and cards it contains. This is only a good idea if you want to get rid of it permanently. There is no way to restore the deleted space.

Space owners can delete spaces, but you can prevent them from doing so for security reasons. You can block the option to delete space at the global level, i.e. throughout KanBo, or at the workspace level.

Preventing space deletion at the global level

You can block the option to delete spaces at the global level. This means that no KanBo user will be able to delete any space.

You need the Global Settings role to enter this section.

To prevent space deletion in KanBo:

  1. Open KanBo.
  2. On the Sidebar, select your avatar, and then go to  Settings >  General.
  3. Toggle the Space deletion option (disabled option is the switch moved to the left).

Preventing space deletion at the workspace level

Another solution is to leave the decision of deleting spaces to workspace owners. Then each workspace can have its own rules.

In such a situation, workspace owners decide on the ability of space owners to delete spaces. The only condition is that the option to delete spaces must be globally active.

Only workspace owners have access to the space deletion settings.

To prevent space deletion in the workspace:

  1. Open KanBo.
  2. On the Sidebar, go to  Workspaces & Spaces, and then select the workspace.
  3. In the upper right corner, go to to Settings.
  4. Toggle the Space deletion option (disabled option is the switch moved to the left).

You cannot toggle this option at the workspace level if space deletion is disabled at the global level.

See how to:


Only space owners can delete spaces.

You cannot restore deleted space because it doesn’t exist. If you want to be able to restore the space, consider closing it instead of deleting it.

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