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Mentions refer to the ability to tag or notify specific users within a space or card by using the “@” symbol followed by their username or name.

While you keep working on the tasks, you may need to mention other users e.g. notify them about updates, request feedback, alert them about issues, or tag them in discussions. 

Draw the people’s attention to some piece of information by mentioning users in your

Space users will note that someone is writing about them because of the KanBo notification system. It will let them know about it in real-time on the web and also on their mobile devices.

Two ways of mentioning

There is more than one method to mention someone. They both work in every text field in KanBo.

  1. Type @ and start typing the user’s name or surname. Click the name of the person you would like to mention or press Enter to mention them.
  1. Another way is just dragging an avatar of the user and dropping it at the text field. Confirm the action by clicking Mention user.

If the person doesn't have access to the space you're mentioning, you will be asked if you want to invite them.

If you mention someone who doesn't already have access to a single card, they will automatically be given access to that single item.


Only space users who are following the space will be notified about the new chat message.

Comments are located in the card activity stream. Only users who follow the card will be notified of new comments. Chat is more like a public place, but again, only space users who follow the space will be notified of new messages. You can give likes to chat messages.

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