Customize KanBo Background Images and KanBo Colors

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Where to start?

The whole configuration will be done in the file: manifest.json. To access this file, go to the folder where Your KanBo is installed, then go to bin/KanBo.Branding, the manifest will be there. Be aware that changing the contents of the manifest.json file or the contents of the backgrounds folder will result in a reset of KanBo. Depending on your installation size it might be not available between 5 – 60 seconds

Changing colors KanBo colors

Normally your manifest.json will already have 16 default colors. You can change the existing colors by modifying the existing color values. You can also add new colors or reduce the number of colors by extending the section by new values or removing values respectively.
You will identify the right section in the manifest by the name “colors”. The color values are stored in quotation marks, are separated by commas, and are displayed in the same order as they are listed everywhere in KanBo where colors can be picked.
Each color consists of hexadecimal RGB codes looking like this: '#e50046' where the Red=e5, Green=00 and Blue=46. If you are not proficient with HTML color codes, you can use this site
Remember to not have multiple commas right beside each other, nor have commas missing between two color entries, and to not put a comma after the last color entry before the “]”.
The maximum amount of colors you can have in KanBo is 256.

Adding/removing or changing background images of a KanBo Board

Each Board Background consists of a set of Images used by KanBo for several purposes inside of the application. You can add your own sets with images, remove or change the existing sets as you want. First, we need to understand the structure of a Background Image set. Here is an example:


"id": "01",

"images": [


"Type": "background4k",

"Url": "backgrounds/01-Background-3840x2160-px.webp"



"Type": "cardCover",

"Url": "backgrounds/01-Card_Cover-480x320-px.webp"



"Type": "favicon180",

"Url": "backgrounds/01-Favicon-180-px.jpg"



"Type": "favicon64",

"Url": "backgrounds/01-Favicon-64-px.jpg"



"Type": "favicon32",

"Url": "backgrounds/01-Favicon-32-px.jpg"



"name": "01"


Id – identification number of a background image. Defines the order in which the images are displayed (from the smallest id to the biggest).
– a list in which the images used are specified
– specifies the purpose of the image. There are five types:
– image that will be used as a background when you open the KanBo Board

cardCover - image that will be used as a cover for your board’s tile

Favicon180, favicon64 and favicon32 – used at different places in KanBo when the board comes into the context

Url – the location of the image on the Server that servs the image files to the clients – in most cases that is the Web Server (IIS)
– the name of the background image. Used to identify the image when you hover over it while picking the image.

Supported Image formats

The available image extensions you can use are *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.webp and *.svg (and we are planning to support *.avif in the future). The recommended image format that has the best performance so far is *.webp, as it is light and has great quality. Try NOT to use *.png files, as they are heavy and might take some time to load.

Image resolution sizes

background4K – the image should have a very high resolution but should be well compressed (we recommend max 500kB otherwise it might slow down your network). We recommend a resolution of 3840x2160 but you can also go for higher resolutions.
– your image resized or cropped to the resolution of exactly 480x320
– your image resized or cropped to a square in three resolutions:
• 180x180
• 64x64
• 32x32

Advanced scenarios

It is up to you whether you will use the same motives on all images of a single set. You can i.e., use a gray image as the motive for the background4K and use real motives for the rest of the images in the set. If you continue that pattern for the rest of the sets you will have all boards with the same grey background, when you open them, but the Board Tiles and the recent Boards Favicons will have unique and colorful motives. Some users don’t like colorful backgrounds when they work with cards, but they like them when they look at Boards to distinguish them better.

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