KanBo and Microsoft Power Automate Integration: Updating the Component

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We are constantly adding new features to this integration. You might want to update the Power Automate custom
connector to be able to enjoy the new functionalities.

Updating this integration consists of two parts:

  1. To make sure you can use the newest version of this integration, make sure that your KanBo is up-to-date.
  2. Make sure you update the Power Automate KanBoOpenApi_Flow.json file.
Now you can start:

  1. Open Power Automate on Office 365.

  1. Open Custom Connections under Data.

  1. Find the connector you are using for KanBo integration and select three dots button under it.

  1. Select Update from OpenAPI File.

  1. Select the .json file.

  1. Make sure to update Client ID and Client secret in the Security tab.
  2. Select Update Connector button later.
  3. Contact support@kanboapp.com for the client secret.

If there is still a value in Client ID, it means that the update process didn't go properly. Make sure to run the update json's update procedure once again and now the Client ID value will be empty. Fill the fields once again with Refresh URL, Client ID and Client secret.

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