KanBo Installation
- KanBo Installation on Office 365 and Azure (Manual)
- KanBo Installation on Office 365 and Azure (KanBo Installer)
- KanBo On-Premises Installation Requirements and Prerequisites
- KanBo Installation On-Premise SharePoint 2013/2016/2019
- Creating and Updating the Elastic Cloud Deployment
- Creating a Linux Based Virtual Machine on Azure for Elastic Search
- Installing and Configuring Elastic Search on Debian
- Creating a Windows Virtual Machine on Azure for Elastic Search
- Installing and Configuring Elastic Search on Windows
- How to Create a X.509 High-Trust Certificate
- KanBo Setup
- KanBo Modern Webpart Installation
- Uninstall KanBo from Office 365
- Supported Browsers
KanBo Updates
Additional Components
- Setting Up KanBo Email Notifications on Azure
- Setting Up KanBo Email Notifications (On-Premise)
- KanBo Outlook Add-in Installation (O365)
- Send Email to KanBo - Installation (Cloud)
- Send Email to KanBo - Installation (On-Premise)
- Enabling Email a Card Message
- KanBo and Microsoft Power Automate integration: Installation
- KanBo and Microsoft Power Automate Integration: Activation
- Installation of KanBo MyBoard Synchronization with Outlook Calendar and Outlook Tasks
- Installation of the Autodesk BIM Plugin for KanBo
- KanBo and UiPath Integration: Configuration
- Nintex Integration Installation
- KanBo API for Developers
- KanBo External User Groups (Active Directory Integration)
- KanBo Mini Application Installation
- Plugin for Adding Users to KanBo / Sharepoint When They First Enter it
- SharePoint Profiles Synchronization
- SharePoint Site Collection Balancing and Admin Warnings
- Sync Targets
- Installation of the KanBo Teams App
- Setting up BIM Sync as a Webjob
- Configuring KanBo for OData integration in PowerBI Desktop
- Show all articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
Tips & Tricks
- Configure How Documents Should Be Opened from KanBo
- Customize KanBo Background Images and KanBo Colors
- Disable Sleeping Tabs in Browsers
- Disable/Enable Public Boards Creation
- Find Out the Certificate Expiration Dates On-Premise
- Get KanBo ID
- How to Change the Help URL in Your KanBo
- Import Users to KanBo
- Renew Certificate for KanBo Graph Installation
- Show KanBo Version
- Removing syncing of profile pictures in the Profile Sync job
- Creating and customizing the Profile Sync Webjob
- KanBo configuration for Microsoft Azure Cloud GCC High environment
- KanBo Error: 401 (On-Premise Installation)
- KanBo Error: 403 (On-Premise Installation)
- KanBo Error: Cannot Open Database
- KanBo Error: User Authentication Postback Failed (On-Premise Installation)
- Migrate Boards between Office 365 Groups
- Replace Expiring Client Secret
- Grant access to logs of an Azure Web App hosted KanBo
KanBo API for Developers
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Configuring KanBo
If you want to use KanBo API via KanBo.Client.dll you have to first configure your KanBo. Inside web.config file in section you have to register X509 certificate that will be used for authentication (you can even generate it by yourself using makecert, IIS, or a PowerShell commandlet).
Download KanBo API files.
Download KanBo API methods.
Provider types for certificates
As shown above, there are different provider types for certificates:
- “Login” – when using this provider type your service will be seen as user which login you provide and will have exactly same permissions as that user.
On-prem login will look like this:
`i:0#.w|domain\user` `domain\user`
O365 login will look like this:
`i:0#.f|membership|user@exampledomain.onmicrosoft.com` `user@exampledomain.onmicrosoft.com`
- “User” – when using this provider type your service will be seen as user defined by you in code and will have exactly same permissions as that user.
- “Service” – when using this provider type your service will be seen as Service. KanBo will treat this like a fictional user with name taken from the configuration. This user doesn’t have any permissions until he doesn’t get a “service” role in a token.
- “Email” – there we use an email taken from the user profile in KanBo.
Here are the roles:
- “*” – this field can be added to every mapper. It allows tokens to add all possible token roles.
- “alarm-reminder“, “profiles-sync“, “security-group-sync-source” – roles for services
- “templates” – role for templates
- “security-groups-super” – role allowing to change every group
- “service” – this role allows everything, despite the permissions
- “security:aad“, “security:sp“, “security:{issuer}” – role allowing using authentication tokens of each type which are located in SQL database, you shouldn’t use it for mapping “service”
- “external-services” – tole allowing to work as an app in SharePoint, gives access to files etc.
<auth.app issuer="some-issuer">
<signature algo="rs256">
<cert type="x509-file" file="D:\home\site\certs\some-cert.cer" />
<mapper type="service" name="some-name" roles="service" />
<mapper type="user" />
<mapper type="email" roles="service" />
<mapper type="login" />
The `signer` declares which certificate will be used to validate the signature of given token, possible types are:
– **x509-file** – contains a public or private key read from a file by specified path (you can use either .cer or .pfx here, pfx file will need a key).
<auth.app issuer="issuer">
<signature algo="rs256">
<cert type="x509-file" file="D:\home\site\certs\cert.cer" />
<mapper type="service" name="some-name" roles="service" />
<mapper type="user" />
<mapper type="email" roles="issuer" />
<mapper type="login" />
– **x509-store** – contains a public or private key read from a certificate in given certificate store by specified property.
<auth.app issuer="issuer">
<signature algo="rs256">
<cert type="x509-store"
<mapper type="service" name="some-name" roles="service" />
<mapper type="user" />
<mapper type="email" roles="issuer" />
<mapper type="login" />
Parameters required for KanBo authorization
var kanboUrl = "https://my-new-kanbo.azurewebsites.net"; //url of kanbo - required for all security tokens
var userId = 1; //user id - usually same as myBoard id
var loginName = "i:0#.f|membership|my-user@mynewkanbo.com";// i:0#.w|developer\\administrator"; //login of kanbo user - required for login type security token
/* Getting same certificate that is registered in KanBo web.config */
var cert = new X509Certificate2(_userCertPath, _userCertPassword); //(path, password) to generated certificate
Creating API object
Generating wanted token service and/or user type
var userToken = new JwtTokenSource(new LoginToken.Transformer(loginName,"SP").WithRoles("external-services"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
Generating token for login scope
new KanBo.Jwt.Serializers.RS256AlgorithmSerializer(cert, "some-cert"));
Generating service
var serviceToken = new ServiceToken("some-cert", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), cert);
Generating token for user scope
var idToken = new JwtTokenSource(new UserToken.Transformer(userId).WithRoles("external-services"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10),
new KanBo.Jwt.Serializers.RS256AlgorithmSerializer(cert, "some-cert"));
Create http client and set credentials if required
var hc = new HttpClient();
Creating requester
var jsonRequester = new JsonApiRequester(serviceToken, kanboUrl, hc);
Creating Api object
var api = new Api(jsonRequester);
Calling methods
All methods in our API can be called in the following manner:
Get default home layout
var layout = await api.GetData(KanBoGetDataMethods.List, new { Id = 3222});
var jLayout = JObject.Parse(layout);
Add new board
var newBoard = await api.Action(KanBoActionMethods.AddBoard, new
Name = "TestApi2",
Color = 1,
var jNewBoard = JObject.Parse(newBoard);
Get board permission groups
var boardGroups = await api.GetData(KanBoGetDataMethods.GroupsInBoard, new { BoardId = (int)jNewBoard["Id"] });
var jBoardGroups = JObject.Parse(boardGroups);
Find user
var foundUser = await api.GetData(KanBoGetDataMethods.Users, new { Keyword = "my-user" });
var jFoundUser = JObject.Parse(foundUser);
Available methods
There are 2 types of KanBo API methods:
- GetData methods
- Actions methods
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