KanBo and Microsoft Power Automate integration: Installation

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Prepare and upload the certificate to KanBo

1. Create the certificate pair using this guide.

2. Open Azure portal. Make sure your Web App is at least on the Basic plan.

3. Go to TLS/SSL Bindings and go to Private Key Certificates (.pfx) Select Upload certificate.

4. Provide the password and Upload it.

5. Copy the certificate's thumbprint.

6. Open Configuration and add a new Application Setting.

7. The setting's name should be WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES. The value should be the Thumbprint of certificate. Save it.


Before starting, You should have received a unique broker URL for Your KanBo (something like https://powerautomate.authkanbo.com/mykanbo/). The "mykanbo" part of the URL will be replaced by Your company name and will be used when modifying the configuration of KanBo

1. Open KanBo appsettings.json  

- go to https://your-kanbo-address.scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole/?shell=powershell

- then go to site -> wwwroot -> appsettings.json and start by first checking if the Oauth DLL is being loaded at the beginning of the appsettings:

"assemblies": [
{"Path": "KanBo.Oauth.dll"}
If not, add {"Path": "KanBo.Oauth.dll"} to the array

2. Add the following lines to the "plugins" section of the appsettings.json:

    "type": "auth.oauth",
    "issuer": "",
    "children": [
       "type": "x509-store",
       "store-name": "my",
       "store-location": "currentuser",
       "key": "thumbprint",
       "value": "",
       "valid-only": false
      "type": "client",
      "id": "",
      "secret": "",
      "url": "",
      "name": ""
    "type": "plugin",
    "alias": "trigger.worker"

3. Paste your information inside sections:

Issuer: "" - add a unique name between quotation marks, like:

Issuer: "PowerAuth"

value: "" - add certificate's thumbprint between quotation marks, like


Save the appsettings.json.

4. Go back to KanBo directory and open the plugins folder.

Make sure to have the following file there:

- KanBo.Oauth.dll

If the file is present, it is safe to restart KanBo. Please do so for the changes to take place.

If the file is missing, please contact KanBo support at support@kanboapp.com.

Getting the credentials

1. Go to Your KanBo URL and add "auth/ISSUERNAME/newclient" to the name (with ISSUERNAME being the issuer name You've set in the previous step)

You should receive an output like this:

Client config: 
  "type": "client",
  "client": "0xxxxxxxx5",
  "secret": "yxxxxxxxxxx0=",
  "url": "https://return-url",
  "name": "Some App"

OAuth2 config: 

Client Id: 0xxxxxxxx5
Client Secret: Mxxxxxxf
Authorization Url: https://mykanbo.com/auth/PowerAuth/code
Access token request url: https://mykanbo.com/auth/PowerAuth/token
Refresh token request url: https://mykanbo.com/auth/PowerAuth/token

2. Open appsettings.json and replace the commented out "client" section with the "Client config" from the output:

3. Send the "OAuth2 config" data to support@kanboapp.com, as this entry needs to be added to our broker. We will let You know when the process is finished and will send You a unique link to be used during the activation of a custom connector.

4. After that is done, begin the activation of a KanBo custom connector for Power Automate

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