Plugin for Adding Users to KanBo / Sharepoint When They First Enter it

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In several cases, user which is freshly added to KanBo might see a communicate regarding no access (which is generated by SharePoint). With our special plugin, users will get access to KanBo automatically (even without adding them to KanBo first). In this case, they will become visitors and have no access to Boards (until you add them to chosen Boards). 

This is a functionality which works only for On Premise (SharePoint 2013/2016) environments in which there are problems with user access.

  1. To enable this plugin, open appsettings.json in a text editor.

    The following entry should be added in the "plugins" section of KanBo to enable this plugin.

    "type": "with-ntlm-id",
    "children": [

    "add-to-sp" - adds users entering to sharepoint as visitors

    "add-to-kanbo" - adds users entering to kanbo

  1. Save your appsettings.json to propagate changes.

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