KanBo and UiPath Integration: Configuration

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KanBo side configuration

1. Create a pair of certificates. An article explaining the creation process can be found here.

2. After creating both PFX and CER certificates, put these lines into the appsettings.json of Your KanBo:

    "type": "auth.app",
    "issuer": "ui-path-actions-cert",
    "children": [
      "type": "signature",
      "algo": "rs256",
      "children": [
         "type": "x509-file",
         "storename": "My",
         "file": "C:\\Certs\\KanBo\\UiPath.cer"
       "type": "service",
       "name": "UiPath service",
       "roles": "service"
       "type": "user",
       "roles": "*"

Remember to put the actual path to Your .cer certificate in the <cert> line.

Creating and configuring a new Ui Path Process

1. Create a new process in UiPath

2. Name Your Process, choose Your location and select the "Windows - Legacy" compatibility.

3. After a Process is created, add the KanBo package to Your project. Please contact us at support@kanboapp.com for the package.

4. To add the package, click on Manage Packages

5. Go to Settings, check the "Local" checkbox, name the package and choose the folder in which You are storing the .nupkg package

6. Click on "Add". You should see a new "KanBo" option on the left panel. Click on it, then select "KanBo.UiPath.Activities" and click on "Install".

7. Click on save. This will add the KanBo components to Your Process

Ui Path is now ready for use with KanBo Actions, learn more about them here.

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