Renew Certificate for KanBo Graph Installation

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KanBo uses the certificate to establish communication to MS Graph A certificate expires after a year. Here's how to renew it.

1. Generate new certificates. You can do that by following this article.

2. Now when you have a pair of certificates (.cer and .pfx), enter the Azure AD and go to App Registrations.

3. Find KanBo.

4. In certificates & secrets, delete the old certificate.

5. Upload the new certificate.

6. Verify it's valid.

7. Go to KanBo Web App and select TLS/SSL settings.

8. Go to Prive key certificate and Upload certificate.

9. Upload the PFX file and type the password. Then hit upload.

10. Go to configuration and edit the WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES value.

In case, you use only one cert for KanBo, type the Thumbprint of the new cert in value.

In case you use more than one certs in KanBo, make sure you type " * " in value field.

Click OK to save the changes.

11. Go to the Kudu editor. In your Azure Web App Development Tools, select Advanced Tools.

12.  Open the link.

13. Select debug console -> Powershell.

14. Go to site -> wwwroot and open appsettings.json in editor.

15. Type the thumbprint of the new certificate in the value thumbprint field of the "auth-aad" package and the "webjobs" package.

16. Save the changes.

You will also have to replace the thumbprint of every single webjob Your KanBo uses

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