Enabling Email a Card Message

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In order to enable Email a card message, the following steps must be completed.

  1. Create a New Subdomain (or buy an additional Domain) and attach it to Microsoft 365 / Exchange On Prem:
  2. Configure SMTP relay for this domain: link
  3. Open KanBo’s appsettings.json:
    • Go to https://your-kanbo-name.scm.azurewebsites.net -> Debug Console -> PowerShell -> site -> wwwroot -> edit web.config.
    • Add the following linesin the “plugins” section. Change mydomain-com.mail.protection.outlook.com to your domain from MX record (you can preview it in the Microsoft 365 admin settings).You can test whether everything works fine by sending a test email. For that configure your custom domain instead of @your-custom-domain.com.Change your-existing-mail@domain.com to existing email address to which you would like to receive a test email.
    "type": "email.smtp",
    "children": [
      "type": "connect",
      "host": "mydomain-com.mail.protection.outlook.com",
      "port": 25,
      "options": "start-tls"
    "type": "test-email",
    "from": "somerandoname@your-custom-domain.com",
    "to": "your-existing-mail@domain.com"

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