Removing syncing of profile pictures in the Profile Sync job

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By default, the profile sync job sets the profile pictures of KanBo users to the ones in Your O365 Profile. To remove this step of the job, follow these steps:

Change the appsettings.json of the Job

First, head to the folder of Your job. On Azure, the folder should be localted in C:\home\site\wwwroot\App_Data\jobs\triggered\ProfileSync

Click the “Edit” button on the “appsettings.json” file.

You should see a section that looks like this:

    "type": "package",
    "name": "webjob.profile-sync",
    "thumbprint": "THUMBPRINT",
    "kanbo-url": "URL"

Copy the thumbprint and the url somewhere.

After that, change that section to this:

   "type": "package",
   "name": "kanbo-api",
   "url": "URL",
   "thumbprint": "THUMBPRINT"
   "type": "job.profile-sync",
   "name": "profiles"
   "type": "profiles-provider.graph",
   "children": [
      "graph": "responsibilities",
      "kanbo": "AskMeAbout",
      "type": "string[]",
      "separator": ", "
     "type": "mapping",
     "graph": "aboutMe",
     "kanbo": "AboutMe"
     "type": "mapping",
     "graph": "mail",
     "kanbo": "Email"
     "type": "mapping",
     "graph": "givenName",
     "kanbo": "Name"
     "type": "mapping",
     "graph": "surname",
     "kanbo": "Surname"
     "type": "mapping",
     "graph": "mobilePhone",
     "kanbo": "Phone"

Change the URL and THUMBPRINT to the values You had before the changed.

After changing the config, click on save, and from now on the profile sync job stops syncing Your O365 profile picture with the KanBo profile picture.