Card Documents

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Documents are an integral part of work. Therefore, you can take them with you into the KanBo world. Add documents to cards and share them with other users. Edit existing files or create new ones.

Each document that you add to a card goes to the card elements section and appears in the space documents at the same time. All these files have a source in the external document library.

Any document uploaded or created in a card immediately appears in the corporate library, where it has its source.

Documents can be stored in cards with:

Example: Card documents stored in the Equipment document group and Purchases document folder.

The same document can be present in multiple cards at once. You can see all the cards that contain it using document references.

Example: The Urban-Picnic-poster.jpg file is attached to three cards. Note that one of these cards is in a different space.

You can build the structure of the corporate document library with a little help from KanBo features. Use document templates and automatic document folder definition to take document management to the next level.

Uploading documents in cards

To upload a document to a card:

  1. Open the card.
  2. Below the selected document group or document folder, select + Add document.
  3. Select Upload document.
  4. Browse for the file, and then select Open.

You can also drag a file from your device and move it directly to the card.

Files uploaded to the card content using drag & drop always go into document groups.

Documents uploaded in the card by pasting with CTRL + V also go into document groups.

Creating documents in cards

To create a document in a card:

  1. Open the card.
  2. Below the selected document group or document folder, select + Add document.
  3. Select + Add new… (Excel, Word, or PowerPoint document).
  4. Enter the name, and then select Add.

A document will appear in a selected document group or document folder. You can then open and edit it.

Creating documents using document templates

First, a document template must be added to the space.

To create a document using a document template:

  1. Open the card.
  2. Below the selected document group or document folder, select + Add document.
  3. Select + Add new document from template.
  4. Select the document template.
  5. Enter the name, and then select Add.


Yes, you can change the order of document groups or folders by using drag and drop. Click on the group you want to move and drag it to the desired location. You can also collapse each of them.

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