Exporting Space Views to Excel

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With this KanBo functionality, you can export a space’s content into a .csv file.

This will help you display it in a highly visual manner in Excel and use it i.e. for reporting.  

To export a space:

  1. Select the More button (three-dots on the top bar. 
  1. Now you can select Export space to csv.

Now the download of the .csv file will start. Once it’s done, you can import this .csv file to Excel.

This instruction were made with Excel 2016, however the functionality will be very similar in other versions of Excel. See documentation provided by Microsoft regarding importing .csv files into Excel.

To import the spaces .csv file to Excel:

  1. Go to Excel and select Data.
  2. Choose Get data.
  1. Select From File.
  2. Select from Text/CSV.
  1. Browse for your freshly downloaded file and select it.
  2. In the windows which will appear, select Load button.

In a couple of seconds, your space will be visible as an Excel table.

It will contain information about:

  1. Card ID, 
  2. Card name, 
  3. List name, 
  4. Status name,
  5. Status role (or list role, if statuses are disabled), 
  6. Responsible,
  7. Co-workers,
  8. Created by,
  9. Created date,
  10. Start date,
  11. Due Date,
  12. Late (YES/NO),
  13. Completed date,
  14. Completed by,
  15. Completed (YES/NO),
  16. Todo items,
  17. Labels,
  18. Card link

The example above shows KanBo space imported to Excel.

You can easily print the space prepared in this way.


You can move a space between KanBo Environments using the space template feature. You will need to download the space from the first KanBo environment as a board template and upload it to the new environment. Then create a new space using this template.

Soon. We are working on the feature where you can build your own view including all details you want to see on card fronts and then export it like it is to csv. The feature is planned as part of KanBo 3.0.

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