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Workspaces are the main organizing element of the KanBo hierarchy. They provide a clear overview of the organizational structure. Workspaces are the broadest containers that separate different areas of work, such as different teams or clients.

Workspaces contain spaces and organize them in one place, making them easy to navigate. For an even better categorization of spaces, folders can be helpful.

Example: Green Week space is located in the Events folder inside the Education workspace.

All activities in KanBo take place in cards, that are located in spaces. All the work within the organization is organized using workspaces and spaces.

On the workspace landing page, you can watch the progress of spaces belonging to this workspace. The result is based on the number of completed cards.

Example: HR workspace contains 4 spaces and 6 users.

Workspace users

KanBo users only have access to the workspaces and spaces that are relevant to their work.

There are three levels of access to workspaces: owner, member, and visitor. Only the owner has full access to workspace management.

Only workspace users know of the workspace’s existence.

Workspace types

There are three workspace types in KanBo: private, public, and org-wide. Workspace owners can decide who can access and see the workspace, providing control over privacy and team participation.

See how to:

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