User Deactivation

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In case of termination of cooperation, there is an option to deactivate the user. Remember that you can activate the user at any time.

Deactivated users can be identified by their striped icon avatar with their initials.

Example: Olivier Woodward is a deactivated user. His profile picture is gone, but his actions remain in KanBo.

Deactivated user:

  • Cannot log in to KanBo.
  • Has a deactivated status visible in their user profile.
  • Comments and actions of the deactivated user remain on the cards and in the space.
  • Are visible in all cards to which they are assigned.
  • Are not visible in the workspace user list and the space user list.
  • Cannot be added to cards.
  • Cannot be mentioned.
  • Will not be counted toward the number of KanBo licenses if they have been deactivated from any space collection in your KanBo.
  • If the user is the only owner of the space, a person who deactivates them will be added as the owner instead.

After deactivating users, you will still be able to view their user profiles, including their profile picture and contact information. You can also see their user activity stream.

User deactivation

Only users with the Licenses role can deactivate a user.

To deactivate a user:

  1. On the Sidebar, select your avatar >  Settings >  Users.
  2. Hover over the user, go to More (the three-dot menu), and then select  Deactivate.

User activation

Only users with the Licenses role can activate a user.

To activate a user:

  1. On the Sidebar, select your avatar >  Settings >  Users.
  2. Go to Inactive users.
  3. Hover over the user, go to More (the three-dot menu), and then select Activate.


Yes, all actions from deactivated users are visible in the card and space activity stream.

Yes, you can reactivate a previously deactivated user.

If a deactivated user was the owner of a space, the person who deactivated them will be added as the owner instead.

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