KanBo provides a set of roles that can be used to give users responsibility for different areas. Roles are related to managing preferences, documents, and other users.
There are 10 KanBo roles that can be assigned to a user:
Global Settings
Access to global settings
Changing the order of space templates
Roles Assignment
Viewing KanBo roles
Assigning and removing KanBo roles from users
Refreshing license status
Getting license ID
Adding sync targets
Getting plugin forms
Adding and managing groups
Resyncing and removing sync targets and users
Configuring the Elastic Search connection
Adding KanBo Users
Adding new users to KanBo
Activating and deactivating users
Changing user license
Adding and renaming KanBo user groups
Create Workspaces
Creating workspaces
Setting spaces as public
Setting workspaces as public
Creating space templates
Downloading and uploading space templates
Document Sources
Adding and removing document sources
Renaming document sources
Repairing document sources
Space Migration
Moving spaces between workspaces
Assigning and removing roles from a user
The Roles Assignment role is needed to assign or remove a role from a KanBo user.
To assign or remove a role from a KanBo user:
On the Sidebar, select your avatar > Settings > Users.
Hover over a user, go to More (the three-dots menu), and then select Roles.
Check/uncheck the box next to the desired role.
Example: All roles belonging to the user Alexander Kaiser.
Managing a specific role access
The Roles Assignment role is needed to see users assigned to a specific role.
To manage a specific role access:
On the Sidebar, select your avatar > Settings > Users.
On the top of the Users section, go to More (the three-dots menu), and then select Manage user roles.
Select the role.
Example: All users with the Global Settings role.
Now you can see all users with this role.
To remove the role from a user:
Hover over a user, go to More (the three-dots menu), and then select Remove role from user.