Default Parent Card

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Parent and child card relations can be very complex. When the card has more than one parent, one of them is marked as the default parent. In other words, the default parent is the main parent of the card. The other parents will be used for progress aggregation purposes only.

These relations are visible in the Mind Map view.

Theoretical example

There are three child cards (subcards) and two parent cards. Each parent card is related to all three child cards but each child card can have only one default parent. 

Cards presented in the Mind Map view. There are two parent cards: Parent 1 and Parent 2. Parent 1 is linked to cards: Child 1 and Child 2. Parent 2 is linked to the card Child 3.
  • Cards Child 1 and Child 2 have the same default parent which is Parent 1.

  • Child 3 has Parent 2 set as default.

Note, that the default parent idea is not important for work progress calculation. Each parent has the same indicator of completed work – 1/3 SubCards completed.

Practical example

  • Child Card: Financial Plan for New Product Launch
  • Parent Card 1: New Product Launch
  • Parent Card 2: Financial Plans

In this example, the Financial Plan for New Product Launch card has two parents. Each of them can be a default parent. The first parent assigned to that card is the default parent.

This card can be even related to parents from different spaces: the marketing department New Product Launch and the finance department Financial Plans.

Changing the default parent

The first assigned parent is the default parent automatically.

  1. Open the space.
  2. Enter the card.
  3. Hover over any parent card in the card relations section.
  4. Click on the three-dot menu button.
  5. Select Set as default.


Even if the card has more than one parent, only one of them is the default parent. The connection visible on the Mind Map view is the one between the child card and the default parent card.

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