Moving Cards between Spaces

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Nothing stands in the way of moving cards between different spaces. Choose a new space and status for a card and move it easily.

Card details and elements that will be moved with the card:

Moving cards

To move a card:

  1. Open a space.
  2. Open a card.
  3. On the top bar select More (the three-dot menu), and then select  Move.
  4. Select the space and card status, and then confirm with the Move button.

In addition, you can choose to leave the mirror card in the original space to monitor the future life of the card.

Use Quick Actions to get it done faster, or Mass Actions to move more cards at once.

Document sources issue

Moving card which contains documents from custom document libraries (document sources)

In this scenario, there are spaces A and B. Space A contains a default Document Source and a custom one, added from another Site Collection. Space B contains a default Document Source and a custom one, added from another Site Collection which is chosen as default in this space.

There is a card C in space A, which contains 2 documents: one (1) from the default Document Source and one (2) from the custom Document source. When you move card C into space B, only document 1 will be added to space B and document 2 will remain the same (it won’t be added again or overwritten).


Yes, you need to copy a card first, and then move it to another space.

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