User Activity Stream

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The activity stream is a universal feature that is available on a card, in a space, and associated with each user. The user activity stream is a record of all activities performed by a particular user. It consists of a list of actions in chronological order, with associated cards or spaces, and assigned dates.

All activity is recorded in KanBo. Note that you can track all your activities from the beginning of account creation.

Each user in KanBo has their own activity stream. Each position contains links to the cards and spaces where the action took place. You can change the way actions are displayed by setting different detail levels.

Your activity stream

Your activity stream gives you quick access to your most recent work.

To see your activity stream:

  • On the Sidebar, go to your avatar, and then select Activity.

Activity of other users

You can open everyone’s activity stream, but that doesn’t mean you can see everyone’s activity. Keep in mind that you might not have permission to see everything.

You are only able to see the actions that took place within the spaces that you have access to.

To see the activity stream of any user:

  1. Click on the user’s avatar anywhere in KanBo.
  2. Select Activity.

Learn more about the activity stream concept.


You can only see the actions that take place on the spaces and cards that you have access to. You cannot see all of the actions that other users perform in KanBo.

Yes, you can customize the way activities are displayed in the activity stream by setting different detail levels.

Yes, it is possible to see the exact date and time of the activity in the activity stream by hovering over the date displayed.

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