Card Issues

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A card issue is a problem with a specific card that prevents effective execution. There are three levels of card issues. Information about the existing issue is displayed right on the front of the card next to the status icon.

Levels of card issues:

More information about the issue is available in the card details section inside the card.

Example: This card is overdue, as you could see on the card front – the due date was red.

Card issues are marked with specific colors to illustrate their impact on the card's workflow.


The cards can be connected on the basis of the previous-next relation. This means that tasks should be performed in a predetermined order. The problem arises when the next card is started before the previous one is completed.

The symbol of such an issue is the letter “i” from the word “information”. Tasks can be performed normally, but their out-of-order state is noted.

Example: The location of the marathon should be determined before creating promotional materials. However, the marathon route is still not decided and design work has begun.

The previous card should be completed before the next card receives the card status with In progress role.


Warnings appear when there are date conflicts or other problems with related cards.

Date conflict issues arise when there are conflicts in the timing or scheduling of card-related activities. They are marked with orange color to draw attention to potential delays or dependencies. 

Date conflict issues include:

  • Overdue of the card – occurs when the due date has passed while the task has not been completed (the current status has a role other than Completed).
  • Overdue of related cards – occurs when the related card (previous/parent/subcard) was not completed on time.

Example: Picnic Supplies is the subcard of the Urban Picnic card. Only the subcard is overdue (the red due date) but both cards are marked with an orange icon.

Besides the marking on the card front, you can find the field with an explanation of the problem in the card details. Here you can find information about the issue character.

Example: The overdue card. Its due date was 2 days ago but the card still has a Doing status.

The Urban Picnic card is not overdue, but it has an overdue subcard, so it also has a time issue, as you can read in the card details.

Example: The overdue subcard causes a date conflict.

Learn more about date dependencies observation in card relations.

You will also see a warning if the previous card or subcard is blocked.


Another type of card issue is the card blocking issue. It occurs when a card has been blocked by a user for some reason with the use of a card blocker. They are highlighted with the red exclamation mark on the card front.

Example: Card with the blocking issue.

A card with a blocking issue has an explanation in the card details section. Here you can see who blocked the card, when, and with what type of blocker.

Example: Cards can have multiple issues at the same time.

If a card has both time and blocking issues, it will be highlighted with a red exclamation mark, as the card blocker is the more relevant obstacle to card realization.


Yes, card relations that are not direct such as “grandchild” and “grandparent” cards.

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