Workspace Types

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Workspace types differ in terms of privacy settings. They can be open to all KanBo users or require an invitation. They can be open to all KanBo users, or require a selection from among them.

There are three workspace types:

  • Private – Users are added manually
  • Public – Any user can join
  • Org-wide – All users join automatically

The last two types require KanBo to be connected to the Microsoft Teams.

Private workspaces

The most common type of workspace is a private workspace. From all people in the organization, the workspace owner must manually select KanBo users to add to the workspace. This type of workspace is available in every KanBo environment.

We recommend using this type of workspace in most cases.

Example: Each company department, such as Finances, should have its own private workspace.

Public workspaces

Users can join public workspaces independently whenever they want. To do so, they must find this workspace through the Teams application, where it has its equivalent in the form of the Team. As a result of joining the Team, the user also becomes the workspace member.

Example: It’s a useful type of workspace for voluntary topics, such as Company events.

Org-wide workspaces

Org-wide is the type of workspace that allows all users to be automatically added as members. To do so, they must find this workspace through the Teams application, where it has its equivalent in the form of the Team. As a result of joining the Team, the user also becomes the workspace member.

Example: Use this type of workspace if you want to automatically make it visible to all organization users, e.g. News.

MS Teams connected workspaces

Workspaces correspond to Teams. This means that joining a particular Team in MS Teams is the same as joining the corresponding workspace in KanBo. What’s more, documents that appear in those Teams will automatically find their way into the corresponding KanBo workspaces, and the other way around.

Every space and workspace can be connected with MS Teams in cloud environments. 

Integration with MS Teams enables the creation of new types of spaces and workspaces.

See the Create a Space to Work video explaining this dependence.

Public and org-wide workspace types require KanBo to be connected to the Microsoft Teams. This means that in order to be able to create these types of spaces, you must select the option to connect to MS Teams while creating a space.

What’s more, to be able to create a space connected to MS Teams, your workspace must also have such a connection. This option should be checked when creating a workspace.

Public and org-wide workspaces, as well as private and shared spaces, require the connectivity to Microsoft tools. This means that they are not available for on-premises environments.

Only private workspaces and standard spaces are available for on-premises environments.

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