Grouping Settings

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Card grouping is a way of categorizing cards in spaces. Grouping settings are editable properties of your groupings, such as their name or color.

You can access the grouping settings when you are working with the:

Customize the appearance of your groupings to suit your needs. It will help you organize your work by marking its stages and other details. Learn how to adjust it just for your convenience.

Remember that there are 5 types of card grouping and not all types have the same options available in the settings.

Card status Custom field User Due date Space
Status role

Only space owners can edit the grouping settings.

The groupings menu also includes Bulk Actions, such as archiving cards.

Learn more about:

Grouping name

To change the grouping name:

  1. Open the space.
  2. On the grouping name bar, select its name. 
  3. Enter the name, and then select Save

Grouping color

Well-chosen colors can make work easier and more pleasant. Select the corresponding one.

To change the color of the grouping:

  1. Open the space.
  2. On the grouping name bar, go to More (the three-dot menu).
  3. Select the desired color.

Note that this only works with the option to group cards by status and custom fields.

When cards are grouped by due date or user, the groupings are always gray. If you use grouping by spaces, the groupings adopt the color and icon of the spaces.

If you want to change the color of a label grouping field, you need to edit the label


Yes, you can use display settings to adjust the visibility of space view information to your needs.

Use custom fields to categorize your tasks and add labels in different colors to customize your workspace. Set the card grouping to the desired option. For large spaces with many cards, use card filtering.

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