Duplicating Spaces

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Space is the new name for the board.
Coming soon with the KanBo 3.0 version!

In this article:


You can use the old space to create a new, similar one without having to recreate all the cards and settings from scratch. Reuse your own work.

A copied space will have the same structure as the original space, according to the following rules:

Copying spaces

You must be both workspace owner and space owner to duplicate spaces.

To copy a space:

  1. Open KanBo.
  2. On the Sidebar, go to Workspaces & Spaces, and then select the desired space.
  3. On the space top bar, go to More (the three-dots), and then select  Copy space.
  4. The next steps are the same as for creating spaces.

Another way to create a new space based on the existing space is the space template. Use your proven space as a pattern for new ones.


Yes, during space duplication you can decide if you want to copy, attach, or don’t include space documents at all. You can also change the name and background color during the duplication process.

Space owners, members, and visitors will not be copied.

We recommend creating a space template, using it to make new spaces periodically, and closing the old ones (closed spaces can be restored).

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