Sending Comments as Email Messages

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This function must be enabled as an additional component. See how to configure this functionality.

This feature allows you to write a comment on a card and mark it for sending to an email recipient. In combination with a card’s public email address, you can communicate with external users, as they will reply directly to the card.

A copy of the sent message will remain in the card as a comment, with information about the addressee underneath.

It is worth creating an email address for the card to allow you to receive a return message in the form of a new comment. See how to enable the Incoming Emails feature.

Send comments as emails

To send the card comment as an email message:

  1. Open the space.
  2. Enter the card.
  3. On the Comments section, in the text field, enter the message.
  4. On the Send button, go to the drop-down menu, and then select Send as email.

If your card does not have an email address, you may now create one.

  1. You will be asked to create an incoming email address. This will allow users to reply to this email. The next steps are optional.
  1. On the pop-up window, select Yes.
  2. Select whether to create a custom or generated email address for the card, and then select Add.
  3. Select one or more emails to which your message will be sent, and then select Send.

The comment will be visible in the activity stream, along with information about who the message was sent to.

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