Creating Space Templates Based on Existing Spaces

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Space template is the new name for the board template.
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Once you have a well-organized and useful space, you can create a template from it. A space created from such a template will have the same structure as the space template, according to the following rules:

Spaces and space templates can only exist in workspaces, therefore the rules for user access to space templates depend on the integration with Microsoft Teams. Users can be inherited from the workspace or added manually. Learn more about available space types.

Only space template users can use it to create new spaces.

Creating space templates based on existing spaces

Only users with the Templates role assigned can create space templates.

To create a space template using the existing space:

  1. Open the space.
  2. On the space top bar, go to More (the three-dot menu button), and then select  Create space template.
  1. Select the workspace for this space template.
  2. Enter the name.
  3. Set the start and end dates (optional), and then go Next.
  4. Select the color and avatar for the space template, and then go Next.
  5. Choose if you want to connect your space with Microsoft Teams, and then select Next.
  6. If you have connected the space to MS Teams, you can now select the space type, and then go Next.
  7. Confirm the review by selecting Create space template.

Now you can use this space template to create new spaces.

When you create a new space using the space template, you are asked again whether you want to create a new Microsoft 365 Group or attach it to an existing one.

Read more about:


Yes, you can edit a space template by opening it and making the necessary changes. However, any spaces created using the old version of the template will not be affected by the changes.

Only users with the Templates role can create space templates in KanBo.

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