Creating Space Templates Using Existing Spaces

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Only users with Adding Spaces and Templates roles assigned can create space templates. Go to KanBo roles for more information.

Once you have a well-organized and useful space, you can create a template from it.

  1. Open the space.
  2. Click More (the three-dot menu button) and open the space menu.
  1. Select Create space template.
  1. Enter a name.
  2. Set the background color, and start and end dates (optional).
  3. If there were document sources, you must decide whether to:
    • copy,
    • attach,
    • or don’t include any documents at all.
  4. Then choose whether you want to create a new Office 365 Group or attach it to an existing one.
  5. Click Add.

Now you can use it to create new spaces.

When you create a new space using this space template, you will be asked again whether you want to create a new Office 365 Group or attach it to an existing one.

A newly created space will have the same structure as the template, according to the following rules:


Yes, you can edit a space template by opening it and making the necessary changes. However, any spaces created using the old version of the template will not be affected by the changes.

Only users with the Adding Spaces and Templates roles can create space templates in KanBo.

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