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MySpace is the new name for MyBoard.
Coming soon with the KanBo 3.0 version!

In this article:


MySpace is automatically created personal space. It allows you to view selected cards from the entire KanBo within a single space. How is this possible?

MySpace uses mirror cards from other spaces to visualize your individual stream of work. Cards in MySpace are just links to cards from the origin spaces. This doesn’t prevent you from organizing them the way you like. You can add your own custom fields and manage them with different space views.

Example: MySpace is a great way to focus on tasks that are important to you at the moment.

To open MySpace:

  • On the Sidebar, select  My KanBo, and then select MySpace.

Use the "M" key as a shortcut to MySpace.

MySpace is named after you. You can change your MySpace name in space details.

MySpace views

If you are new in the KanBo world, when you enter MySpace for the first time, you will see two prepared Kanban based space views: 

  • Eisenhower – with four custom fields: Do, Plan, Delegate, Eliminate (example above)
  • Statuses – with three card statuses: To Do, Doing, Done

Movements of cards in MySpace views do not have any effect on the original spaces. You can freely add custom fields to mirror cards. However, a mirror card will never accept a card status from MySpace. Even on the front of the card mirror, you can monitor its status from its origin Home Space.

You can now create views of any type in MySpace. Learn more about space views.

Grouping by spaces

A convenient option is to group cards by the space they belong to. This option is especially useful in MySpace, which usually consists of mirror cards. The first grouping is reserved for private cards, which will be explained later.

Learn more about card grouping.

Example: MySpace with cards grouped by spaces.

Adding cards to MySpace

You may be wondering why you see cards on MySpace if you don’t remember adding them. Of course, you can add cards manually, but there is also an option to automatically add related cards to you, which is enabled by default.

Learn more about adding cards to MySpace.

Private cards

Besides adding existing cards as mirrors, you can also create cards in MySpace. Since this is your private space by default, the cards created here are also called private cards.

We recommend using this feature as a draft for cards that need time to prepare before moving them to the target space and showing them to other users.

The idea of KanBo is to work transparently therefore we do not support creating private tasks for ourselves.

See how to create a card.

If you're worried about forgetting to do an extra task, use a reminder. This is a type of private notification that is not visible to other users.

MySpace sharing

MySpace does not have to be hidden from other users at all. You can invite others to see your workflow. And in the same way, others can share their MySpace with you.

Learn more about MySpace sharing.


MySpace is a personal space that allows you to bring cards from multiple spaces to one place, prioritize your workload, and manage your tasks efficiently.

Yes. Go to the Sidebar and select Workspaces & Spaces

To stop receiving notifications for a specific card while still following the overall space in KanBo, click on the card menu and select Unfollow Card.

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