KanBo Help Portal

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The KanBo Help Portal is a resource that provides documentation, guides, and other support materials to help users understand and effectively use the KanBo platform. It serves as a central knowledge base where users can access information and resources related to KanBo’s features, functionality, and best practices.

Whenever you are looking for an answer to a question about using our application or need help with configuration, please use the KanBo Help Portal.

To visit KanBo Help Portal, go to help.kanboapp.com. 

The KanBo Help Portal is divided into two sections:

  • KanBo Help Center – contains instructions and application usage tips. You will find there a detailed guide for every user, from beginner to advanced.
  • KanBo DevOps Help – explains the installation and update issues. This section is full of troubleshooting hints. You can read likewise about integrating additional components and plugins with KanBo.

Select the section and enter the query in KanBo Help Search or use the menu on the left sidebar to navigate the site.

If you prefer video form, discover the KanBo Learn Portal and see how to use KanBo from scratch.

Have you got a problem with finding the answer to your question? Let us know if something is missing - report a problem.

KanBo Help Portal shortcut

To access the KanBo Help Portal directly from the KanBo Platform:


You can contact us using the Report a problem button on the top of the Help Portal page. There is a space for a detailed problem description. You can also ask related to the topic question under each article page. The third option is to write an email to support@kanboapp.com.

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