Space Activity Stream

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The space activity stream is a real-time feed that provides a centralized view of all the activities, updates, and changes happening within a specific space. It displays a chronological list of actions, such as card creations, updates, comments, attachments, and more.

Select the Activity on the top bar to open the space activity stream.


The activity stream is a universal feature that is available in every card, in every space, and even associated with every user. The space activity stream serves as a collaborative hub where users can track progress, engagement, and communication within a team.

There are three detail levels of activity stream:

  • Everything
  • Relevant
  • Comments

Hover over a date to see the exact time of the action.

The number of recent space actions you have not seen is listed next to the name of the space in the Workspaces & Spaces section on the Sidebar.

number of actions space stream

You can open the space activity stream by selecting this indicator.

See how to:


Yes, all space actions are displayed in the space activity stream, which includes actions related to the cards in that space. All cards also have their own card activity stream.

There are three detail levels to choose from – everything, relevant, and comments.

You can only see the actions that relate to spaces that you have access to.

Yes. With real-time working, which is a fundamental KanBo feature, you are always up to date with the changes made by other users. There’s no need to refresh your browser to see the latest activity.

If you see a number next to the space name in the Workspaces & Spaces section, this is a notification counter. It tells you the number of unseen space actions.

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