Creating Card Blockers

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Card blockers are created for all users, but only users with the appropriate permissions can create them. Note the difference between local card blockers and global card blockers. Learn how to create and manage card blockers to suit your company’s specific workflow.

Creating local card blockers

Only space owners can create blockers in a space.

Learn how to create a new card blocker. Try this feature at your work.

  1. Open a space.
  2. Select More (the tree-dot menu button) and open the space menu.
  1. Go to  Settings.
  2. Select Blocker types.

You can create a local blocker or add an existing on-demand blocker to the space:

  • local blocker – this type can be created, deleted, and edited only by the space owner. It exists locally in the space. Every space member can see it and add it to a card.
  • on-demand blocker – When this type of blocker is created in KanBo, every space owner can choose to add it to the space they manage. Only then can others see it.
  1. Click + Add.
  2. Type the name and description of the blocker (if a local blocker is chosen).
  3. Click on Add.

Your blocker will now be visible with the usage count information.

Creating global card blockers

Global card blockers usage can be monitored from a higher level.

You need the Global Settings role to create global card blockers.

  1. Go to  KanBo Settings.
  1. Click  Blocker types.
  2. Click + Add.

You can create a global or on-demand card blocker:

  • global card blocker – generally available at every space
  • on-demand card blocker – available only when added to the space by a space owner

Choose wisely, there is no option to change the blocker type later.

  1. Type the name and description of the blocker. You can use rich text formatting to highlight important points.
  2. Click Add.

Here you can also edit and remove other card blockers.


Use card blockers. It allows you to block a card and informs you about the problem with the completion of the task. 

Only space owners can create local card blockers in spaces. They can also add on-demand blockers to the space by selecting them from global card blockers.

A local blocker is created and used only within one space, while a global blocker is available at every space in KanBo.

You need the Global Settings role to manage global card blockers. Global card blockers can be edited, removed, or created in the KanBo Settings.

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